An agricultural, arts and educational environment.

A farm & arts environment for individuals of all abilities




Accessibility Notes for Harvest Moon 2024

The farm is situated on uneven and often soft ground with mulch pathways, and relatively flat grassy gathering areas.


This event is rain or shine, and will be held under a tent in the field in case of inclement weather.




Sensory Environment


Interaction level










There is a composting toilet on site. It is wheelchair-accessible. It works differently from a flush toilet but there are simple written instructions posted in the bathroom. There are also multiple hoses for hand washing and a filter for filling water bottles. A public wheelchair-accessible toilet is also available approximately a quarter of a mile away closer to the entrance of Planting Fields. Please let us know how we can accommodate you in this realm.


There may be multiple conversations, music, or other background noise happening at once. Given the outdoor nature of the event, it should be relatively straightforward to move away from any consistent loud sounds. Depending on the part of the event and the location, it may be difficult to hear low voices.  Sounds of Nature are abundant and sometimes planes fly overhead.


There are several ways to interact with this event.  Guests may share conversation over a beverage and food, they may interact with the Community Art project that is facilitated by volunteers, they may dance, or wander the farm field without human interaction.  Folks are encouraged to participate in any way suitable to their needs without creating harm to others or the farm.


There are chickens in a small section of our field in a fenced-in area. No other domesticated animals are permitted on the farm or in the park except qualified service animals under the ADA. If you are bringing a service animal, please let us know by emailing us at least 5 business days before the scheduled event. In your email, please include the type of animal and the work or task the animal has been trained to do. Service animals must be kept on leash, under control, and away from crops and livestock at all times. Pets and emotional support animals are not permitted on the farm.


While Uber and Lyft are available to the farm, they DO NOT provide service from the farm, but from the entrance to Planting Fields, about a 1/3 of mile from the farm. The closest public transporation is the Long Island Railroad Station in Oyster Bay. Directions to the farm within Planting Fields can be found here.


While we hope to be inclusive of All, translating that into practice is sometimes difficult given that the farm has its own financial requirements, and we are trying to raise funds to execute our mission.  There are other ways to interact with the farm that are lower cost, or free. For information about these, or to request a discounted ticket, please email us.


Email us if you have additional questions or accommodation requests. Please email requests by September 21, 2024.

Orkestai Farm  -  P.O. Box 653, Oyster Bay, NY 11771  -  all images © Orkestai Farm 2022.  

Orkestai Farm is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.