Community Day: MAY
Come to the farm to lend a hand in the field and also enjoy Community Movement, a practice that is at the core of who we are!
An agricultural, arts and educational environment.
A farm & arts environment for individuals of all abilities
Come to the farm to lend a hand in the field and also enjoy Community Movement, a practice that is at the core of who we are!
Come to the farm to lend a hand in the field and also enjoy Community Movement, a practice that is at the core of who we are!
Come to the farm to lend a hand in the field and also enjoy Community Movement, a practice that is at the core of who we are!
Come to the farm to lend a hand in the field and also enjoy Community Movement, a practice that is at the core of who we are!
Come to the farm to lend a hand in the field and also enjoy Community Movement, a practice that is at the core of who we are!
Come to the farm to lend a hand in the field and also enjoy Community Movement, a practice that is at the core of who we are!
Come to the farm to lend a hand in the field and also enjoy Community Movement, a practice that is at the core of who we are!
Come to the farm to lend a hand in the field and also enjoy Community Movement, a practice that is at the core of who we are!
Come to the farm to lend a hand in the field and also enjoy Community Movement, a practice that is at the core of who we are!
Join us for an autumnal celebration in gratitude for the Abundance of the Land and the contributions of our Neurodiverse Farmers. The evening will include live music, a dance performance, collaborative community art, farm-fresh hors d'oeuvres, and drinks.
Come to the farm to lend a hand, participate in soil and seed workshop and also enjoy Community Movement, a practice that is at the core of who we are!
Come to the farm to lend a hand in the field and also enjoy Community Movement, a practice that is at the core of who we are!
Come to the farm to lend a hand in the field and also enjoy Community Movement, a practice that is at the core of who we are!
Come to the farm to lend a hand in the field and also enjoy Community Movement, a practice that is at the core of who we are!
Come to the farm to lend a hand in the field and also enjoy Community Movement, a practice that is at the core of who we are!
Come to Orkestai to Plant Garlic for next season! Please bring a song that you would like to share as we work together to plant this most precious Allium!
Come to Orkestai for community farming and a workshop on composting by the founders of KIN (Kids in Nature). We will build a composter out of driftwood found, and speak about opportunities to connect children with the natural world!
Join Orkestai Farm for an autumnal celebration in gratitude for the Abundance of the Land and the contributions of our Neurodiverse Farmers. The evening will include live music, a dance performance, collaborative community art, farm-fresh hors d'oeuvres, and drinks.
Contributions to our fundraiser will help us continue to develop our winter programming, Overwintering, which will provide year-round consistency and meaningful engagement to our Neurodiverse Community. In addition, you will be helping us develop the necessary land-based and social infrastructure to flourish during all seasons.
Orkestai Farm exists to promote creative participation in our community of people of All Abilities, including Autism and other Developmental Differences, through the practice of ecological agriculture and expressive arts.
Find Tickets Here: https:/secure.givelively.org/event/orkestai-farm-inc/harvest-moon-fall-fundraiser-2023
Come to Orkestai for Community Farming and a cooking demonstration using freshly picked produce!
Come to Orkestai for community farming and yoga connection that will ease us through the heat of the growing season, calm our minds, and offer us shared opportunities for expression!
Join us for an open-air Community Dance that will spin us into the heart of the growing season. The event will feature an inclusive community dance in the field, farm fresh zucchini muffin bites, and herbal iced teas hand-crafted by our Organic Growers.
This dance aims to be inclusive of All. The dances are simple called folk dances accompanied by live fiddle music. Before each dance, the caller organizes participants into pairs and walks them through the steps. All of the dances selected for this event are beginner friendly.
Caller: Chart Guthrie
Band: Dance All Night
Tickets: $30, Children under 10 Free
The funds raised at this event will be used to incorporate dance, music, and art into our daily rhythms at the farm.
Rain location: St Lukes Episcopal Church, Sea Cliff, NY
Come to Orkestai for Community Farming and a workshop on Creating Your Home Vegetable Garden with our Farm Educator, and founder of Steady Harvest NY , Samantha Jo.
During this event, from 10am-11am, we will also have a meet and greet with the teachers who will be guiding our upcoming Dig IN! Farm Experience for Children. Any child in attendance will be welcome to explore the art of finger knitting alongside those who are attending our camp.
Come to Orkestai for community farming and a special workshop on healing plants!
Come to Orkestai for community farming and a yoga class that honors Neurodiversity and Biodiversity!
Come with family and friends to join in community farming and enjoy a Waldorf-Inspired Fiber Arts Workshop.
Come with family and friends to join in community farming and enjoy a workshop by Amanda Furcall, Landscape Ecologist and Orkestai Farm board member, as she discusses how you can restore native habitat to your very own backyard!
Join us for an open-air farm celebration of the Abundance of the Land and the efforts of our Neurodiverse farmers. The evening will include live music, dance performance, and collaborative community art, as well as farm-fresh hors d’oeuvres, wine, beer, coffee, and dessert.
All are Welcome!
Come with family and friends to join in community farming and enjoy a workshop by Abigail Canon, Dietician and Sustainability advocate, to learn about how what we eat not only affects our bodies, but also our planet!
Come with family and friends to join in community farming and enjoy a community drum circle!
Come with family and friends to join in community farming and enjoy an outdoor creative dance/movement class (no experience necessary) with a dancer from Moving On!, a Live Arts Company, and, the founding organization of the Gold Coast Dance Festival.
Come with family and friends to join in community farming and enjoy a full outdoor yoga class with yoga teacher and Orkestai’s very own Director of Community Engagement, Kaitlyn Pawlukojc!
Come with family and friends to join in community farming and enjoy a SquareFoot Gardening workshop by Reese Michaels, a Cornell Master Gardener and Orkestai Farm Board Member! Learn how to get your garden growing for the season!
Join us in the field for our fall harvest and arts festival replete with live music, dance performance, collaborative community art, and small farm fresh bites. All are welcome.
For tickets click here: https://secure.givelively.org/event/orkestai-farm-inc/harvest-moon-an-evening-of-expressive-agriculture-2021
NOTE: IF this event cannot be held in person due to a spike in cases of COVID-19 we will hold the event live on Zoom. As this is a fundraiser, all contributions will still go toward furthering Orkestai Farm’s mission.
** Moon illustrated by Maya Horton @mayanetzer_art @maya.netzer
Come to the Farm on the Friday after Thanksgiving to plant Garlic, enjoy a cup of hot apple cider, and express your gratitude for all that is glorious!