An agricultural, arts and educational environment.

A farm & arts environment for individuals of all abilities

Holiday Hens

A Grow to Donate Project from Orkestai Farm and Mettabee Farm and Arts


Orkestai Farm is teaming up with Mettabee Farm and Arts to regenerate a plot of land and donate the harvest to the food insecure in Columbia County and our local region.

Please click here or the photos above to learn more about this pilot charitable project and to contribute.

With Warmth and Gratitude,

Alethea and Joshua, Directors of Orkestai Farm

P.S. Feel free to peruse this website to learn more about the work we’ve been doing on Long Island and ask us how we plan on translating it to Columbia County.


Orkestai Farm  -  P.O. Box 653, Oyster Bay, NY 11771  -  all images © Orkestai Farm 2025.  

Orkestai Farm is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.